Sunday, December 10, 2006

Things, Stuff, and Things Involving Stuff

So yeah, I know what you're thinking: "Great post title." I know, I know, I've really outdone myself this time. Anyway, I suppose I just figured I'd go ahead and post something for no readily apparent reason because you all love me so much and miss reading my blog.

*cough* sarcasm *cough*

Holy shit; I'm going to Japan!!! Yeah, any of you who know me already know this, so I'll just recap for the random visitor that my better half and I saved up our monies all summer in order to buy plane tickets and since then we've been saving spending money. Right now, we're just in a state of "ohmyfuckengodweregoingtotokyoholyshiticantbelieveitohmygodohmygodsqeeeeee!!!!!!" as we prepare for our impending trip. I just sort of worry that my parents will be disappointed to see us come back without having gotten secretly married, what with their understanding of our relationship being so... how shall I say it... nonexistent.

So, that's a tiny fragment of the news from my cold, humid, dark, foetid corner of the Internet. The rest is none of your business. Go back to your search for scat porn, which is probably how you came across this anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You misspelled "squee".

And Jesus, I know it's scary, hurtful, whatever, but the whole secret marriage thing isn't the worst idea. You parents are weird but they aren't exactly totally out of their minds on this one. Okay, they are, but it's romantic. Wow, that sounded gay. But you get it. Pfft, no you don't.