Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I'm really bored right now, so I think I'll post something in my blog. Let's see here, last post was something deep and personal, so this time it should be random crap. Hmm... random crap... That's it! Crap! Why do they call it taking a shit? It's output, not input. Logically, it should be called giving a shit. Then there's so many people who say they don't give a shit. That's not just anal retentive. That's outright toxic. But at least that expression of apathy isn't as weird as "I don't give a rat's ass." I don't know about you, but I dont WANT a rat's ass. You don't give a rat's ass? Good. Keep the damn thing if you're that unwilling to part with it. Weird fetish if you ask me, but whatever floats your boat. And where's the rest of the rat? What do these hoarders of rat asses do with the rest of the poor innocent rodents that have to die for their bizarre amusement? I take that back; I don't want to know. Probably involves a fingernail clipper, a cigarette lighter, two and a half used condoms, and a webcam. Before you say anything of what you're probably starting to think, no, I don't know any of this from experience. I am making all of this up... I hope. I'm not going to try to find out. You can if you like, but be warned, the Internet is a huge metropolis with lots of unsavory back alleys. Just look at my blog. Reads like the results of a thousand retarded monkeys hammering away at a thousand typewriters that are all missing the letter e... and I don't mean the paper output.

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