Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh the angst... Or is it ennui?

Just a few random musings here that I feel must be voiced to all who happen to find this:

Has anyone ever actually sung "99 Bottles (of Beer on the Wall)" all the way through without interruption?

As the so-called "tea party" is too fucking dumb to be a real grassroots movement, who's funding this Astroturf? Big Insurance? Big Oil? Big Banking? The KKK? People stupid enough to think that a government can be too big and too small at the same time shouldn't be able to successfully pick their own noses, let alone organize spontaneously.

Breasts are both functional and beautiful. Moobs (a.k.a. man-cans, bitchtits, etc) are neither.

I needs me some more motherfuckin' money!

This sort of crap is what people use Twitter for, I guess, but fuck that noise. I already have a twitter; I don't need another one.

How is babby formed? Guns first! (That one should only make sense to the C-Unit crew.)

You can believe everything you read here. Really. Why? Because I'm on the Blagonet!

Your mother is a whore.

I wish I were drunk right now. Then I'd have an excuse.

Does society reward incompetence actively or just because it has no choice?

Fuck your comfort zone. All the way to hell.

Save a tree. Eat a baby.

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