Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dirty Hippie Experiment Update

I know what you must be thinking. You must be thinking "Holy hell, he's actually making a post that has actual direct relation to a previous one! Better start checking for other signs of the Apocalypse!" Fucked-uppedness of that aside, though, I promised an update on the Dirty Hippie Experiment, so an update on the Dirty Hippie Experiment you're going to get, even though it's a few weeks late.

A couple days after the previous post, I discontinued use of conditioner. Within seven days of the start of the experiment, my hair had stopped greasing the hell out of itself and looked great. The strands affected by split ends are mostly shed out by now, so I'm going to use that as an excuse to continue my indefinite postponement of a haircut.

Also on the topic of my shaggy mop-top, I'd like to give a shoutout to Frosty, whom I haven't seen since high school. The first to leave a comment on my blag in quite a while, he said:

"I've gone many days at a time without using shampoo or conditioner for my hair and had wonderous results. Also, as unbelievable as it may sound, beer gives hair an amount of body and silk uncomparable to any modern hair cleansing chemical. Hope it goes well."

Well, man, thanks for reading. Good to know somebody does. Also, thanks for the beer tip. Now the world can finally know that there in fact IS a use for American-style light lager other than as theatrical urine.

In other news, I'd like to ask a question of anyone reading this: Do you have stairs in your house? Post your answer as a comment on this post.

Blah blah blah feces blah dead babies blah blah fuckshitpisscuntcocksuckermotherfuckertits blah blah blah.

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