Saturday, March 22, 2008

This, That, and The Other

In this cruel, cold, fucked-up world of brothers turned against brothers and babies having babies, I find it very comforting to find that people still love the Beatles. On what am I basing this claim? Panic! At the Disco's new single, "Nine in the Afternoon." Click this link to watch the video. Sergeant Pepper would be proud.

In other music-related news, I'm a-gonna see the Cure live at the Austin Music Hall in June. I'm totally stoked, and it's gonna be totally awesome 'cause it's a pretty damn small venue by Cure standards.

More musical stuff... You've gotta check this band out: Cloud Cult. I was in the crew that loaded their gear on and off the stage of the Red Eyed Fly during South by Southwest, they gave me a free CD for this, their live show was awesome (it involved a violin, a cello, a trombone, a trumpet, and paint,) and now I'm plugging them to everybody I know. Check them out at their website or at their myspace.

I've also got my own musical project slowly in the process of coming to life. Not going to rush it though. It'll be ready when it'll be ready. What I really need is a band, but that's another story.

In news not related to music, I've decided just now to post only good things in my life, funny stories, or random impersonal stuff in this blog. My reasoning for leaving out the bad stuff? If you don't know me, you don't care about it, and quite frankly, you don't want to know. If you do know me and you care enough to want to know, I've probably already told you personally or decided that you would be better off if I didn't. Let's face it, the few (if any) people who read this
probably check it less often than I update it. A lot less often.

So, AggieCon's coming up. That's going to be interesting, hanging out again with all those crazy people I haven't seen in months, watching far too much anime, getting far too little sleep, consuming far too much caffeine and perhaps even a bit too much alcohol... Has fun written all over it, as well as the inevitability of another badge on my con penis.

I'm going to have to replace one of my cell phones soon. The bloody thing keeps bitching at me about its battery. Oh well, I've had it for almost four years now. Not a bad run for a cheap little brick from Finland, and besides, it'll give me a good excuse to thin out my contacts on that line.

Well, until later, all none of you, enjoy your Internet responsibly.

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