Sunday, August 26, 2007

Where were you when the world ended?

Well, where were you?

I was right there in the middle of it, man. It was the worst Christmas ever.

I was right there in the middle of it, man. It was the best concert ever.

Wait, the world ended? I was asleep.

I was right there in the middle of it, fucking it up so that it would end the wrong way.

I was walking in the park screaming dead baby jokes at the ducks.

I was in the subway. Couldn't get out for hours until the power came back on.

I must have missed that movie.

I was safely encased in the invincible armor of my mecha.

I was right about to make it to level 60, then I fucking lagged out.

So that explains my hangover.

The end of the world? First I've heard about it. Who threw the first nuke?

WTF, mates?

It ain't the end, man. Just gotta drop in a few more quarters.

I was randomly crawling the Internet for scat porn and came across a post in somebody's blog about the end of the world.

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