Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Time for a shit post.
But seriously...
Yeah, I forgot what I was gonna say here.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Ass-Random Observations from My Sickbed
One of my roommates plays Starcraft roughly every waking second of his free time. He has honed his skills at playing the Terran race, and while half-listening, I have misheard some interesting dialog from these space-rednecks:
- "Odors, sir!"
- "Elijah 2, sir!"
- "S.O.B. Good to go, sir!"
- "In the butt, bi, bi, bi."
- "Go ahead, jackoff."
The basic rhythm similarities between "La Cucaracha" and "Clementine" are disturbing.
Microsoft is probably the only company that could easily be said to have been named after its founder's penis.
Ants are fucking annoying.
I want an electric skateboard.
If you think I'm going to end this post without some reference to feces, then you don't know shit!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Where were you when the world ended?
I was right there in the middle of it, man. It was the worst Christmas ever.
I was right there in the middle of it, man. It was the best concert ever.
Wait, the world ended? I was asleep.
I was right there in the middle of it, fucking it up so that it would end the wrong way.
I was walking in the park screaming dead baby jokes at the ducks.
I was in the subway. Couldn't get out for hours until the power came back on.
I must have missed that movie.
I was safely encased in the invincible armor of my mecha.
I was right about to make it to level 60, then I fucking lagged out.
So that explains my hangover.
The end of the world? First I've heard about it. Who threw the first nuke?
WTF, mates?
It ain't the end, man. Just gotta drop in a few more quarters.
I was randomly crawling the Internet for scat porn and came across a post in somebody's blog about the end of the world.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Richard Kyanka Was Right.
A Navy man who got mad when someone mocked him as a "nerd" over the Internet climbed into his car and drove 1,300 miles from Virginia to Texas to teach the other guy a lesson.
As he made his way toward Texas, Fire Controlman 2nd Class Petty Officer Russell Tavares posted photos online showing the welcome signs at several states' borders, as if to prove to his Internet friends that he meant business.
When he finally arrived, Tavares burned the guy's trailer down.
This week, Tavares, 27, was sentenced to seven years in prison after pleading no contest to arson and admitting he set the blaze.
I believe the victim of this heinous act of stupidity has spoken for us all:
"I didn't think anybody was stupid enough to try to kill anybody over an Internet fight," said John Anderson, 59, who suffered from smoke inhalation while trying to put out the 2005 blaze that caused $50,000 in damage to his trailer and computer equipment.
I am more or less at a loss for words really. I plan to send the link of this story to Lowtax; he can probably make better comic use of it than I can. Needless to say, the Internet does indeed make you stupid, so, gentle reader, remember as you wander away from my blog: In your unending quest for the ultimate manifestation of your particular unspeakable deviancies, take the opinions of others with a massive grain of salt lest you run the risk yourself of... wait, what was I talking about? Oh, fuck it. You know what I mean anyway.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Eiarugh. (No, I don't know how to pronounce that either.)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Me again...
I just asked my roommate, whom we'll call "Ginger," if he had any advice on content for this blogpost. He said I should say that he's making out with a dead cat upstairs. This simply furthers my case that 98% of Web 2.0 is crap.
On the other hand, this could just be Ginger being Ginger. He often comes into the apartment late at night muttering insane, quasi-sarcastic conspiracy theories about the Jews. One of my favorite of these rants was about how the Hindu Jewish Lesbian Furries are out to steal our cattle.
Well, I'm tired of making this random shit up for now, so I'm a-gonna just call this post finished because I'm too lazy to come up with an original-sounding ending.