Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Holy Shit NO!!! They rejected my plea for dough!

Well, I tried to get some Google AdSense ads on my blog here so that it might make me a buck or two. (I may be a communist, but I need to make some dough to survive in this fucking country.) Here's some choice words from my rejection letter:

"Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after
reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into Google
AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.


- Inappropriate language"

What the fuck?

"Further detail:

Inappropriate language: We've found that your website contains content
that isn't in compliance with our program policies. We don't allow
websites with excessive profanity or potentially offensive content to
participate in Google AdSense. Please review our policies
[their URL] for a complete list
of site content not allowed on web pages."

Come on, guys, it's not like I'm a porno site or something!

Well, fuck that shit. If I don't have the freedom of speech to take money for selling out my supposedly excessively profane or potentially offensive blog to the shitgods of Corporate America, then what is this world coming to? I'm offering to be a consumer whore, damnit, and they won't let me!

Well, hell. Don't have time to get all the documentation I need to sell plasma, Google AdSense doesn't like my foul mouth, and I still need some green. Better start looking for a fucking job.


Anonymous said...

Man that is BULLSHIT.

This is David by the way.

I don't find your site offensive at all. They should see my xanga if they think you're offensive.

Happy Hiker said...

Just stumbled upon your blog. Your posts are quite fucking halarious! Friends that care - share, but I can't send my greens in the mail.